CSCU is pursuing legal action as a last resort after Cooper Union’s Board of Trustees proceeded to stop offering the free education required by the Charter.
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Endorsements for CUAA Elections
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Change is in the air. The Attorney General investigation, reversal of supplemental tuition charges, rapid board disclosures, and cancellation of ill-conceived academic programs all signal real momentum in our fight to return Cooper Union to Peter Cooper’s vision of free education. We can assure you that The Committee to Save Cooper Union (CSCU) is deeply involved in the process of change and working diligently to see it come to fruition.
But, as always, CSCU is only one voice in the community, one element in the struggle. We strongly encourage alumni to participate in the Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) elections and to vote for candidates that are clear and strong in their commitment to a return to a tuition-free Cooper, the institution of strong oversight and checks on the power of the board and administration, and transparency in governance.
It is encouraging that so many great candidates have stepped forward this year. We’ve talked with many of them, read all of their statements, and tried to assess who is best prepared for the next phase of saving Cooper Union.
We endorse:
President: Nils Folke Anderson
Nils has demonstrated a principled and strong commitment to returning to tuition-free. He has a proven track record as an educator, consensus-builder and fundraiser on the principle of a tuition-free Cooper Union and will help unite the Cooper community on the path back to free.
Alumni Trustee: Peter Katz
Peter is strongly committed to a return to a tuition-free Cooper Union. His substantial non-profit governance experience will help make him a valuable alumni trustee.
Secretary: Sean Cusack
Sean Cusack, our diligent Alumnus of the Year, has demonstrated his dedication to returning to free tuition and the alumni association.VP Faculty-Student Liaison: Mina Greenstein
VP Alumni Activities: Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack
Alumni Council:
Bhaskar KrishnamachariCiera Lowe
Claudia Giordano Lasky
James Liubicich
Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack
Paul Garin
Sean Cusack
Shankar Venkataraman
Westley Rozen
Nominating Committee:
Brian RoseCarol Wolf
Kelly Smolar
Michael Lebron
Sean Cusack
Your ballot should be in your email (look for “CUAA Election 2015 Ballot - VOTE NOW” in your email subject line).
If you haven’t received your CUAA election ballot by email, you can register on www.cooperalumni.org or email contact@cooperalumni.org for your ballot.
Voting ends on April 30th and until voting ends, you can change your vote anytime.
Please vote, intensify your work toward a free Cooper, and prepare for the work ahead in rebuilding our school!
Sincerely yours,
The Committee to Save Cooper Union Founding Directors:
Adrian Jovanovic, CU BSE ’89
Mike Essl, Associate Professor of Art, CU ART ’96, M.F.A.
Toby Cumberbatch, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D.