Please contact us if you have additional questions.

CSCU is pursuing legal action as a last resort after Cooper Union’s Board of Trustees proceeded to stop offering the free education required by the Charter.
(You do not need a PayPal account, follow the “Continue” link on the PayPal page to use your credit card.)
Questions & Answers
Q. Who is the Committee to Save Cooper Union?
A. The Committee to Save Cooper Union Inc. was recently established as a New York non-profit corporation. The founding and current directors are:
- Adrian Jovanovic
CU B.S.E. 1989 - Toby Cumberbatch
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. - Mike Essl
Associate Professor of Art, CU ART 1996, M.F.A.
Our supporters include many Cooper Union alumni, faculty and students, among others.
Q. Are donations tax deductible?
Yes, Committee to Save Cooper Union has received 501c3 status for tax deductibility (officially retroactive to any donations made from January 1, 2014 onward).
Checks should then be mailed to:
Committee to Save Cooper Union
620 Fort Washington Ave., Suite A
New York, NY 10040
Please email us about any donation sent out to them so we can track it and follow up if needed.
Q. Can I mail in a check for a donation?
A. Yes, checks can be made out to
“Committee to Save Cooper Union Inc. ” and mailed to:
Committee to Save Cooper Union
151 1st Ave. #93
New York, NY 10003
(Also see above Q&A for mailing in larger donations where tax-deductibility is important.)
Q. How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from your mailings?
A. Yes, if we don’t already have your email address, subscribe below. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
Q: How does the Working Group plan compare to the Tuition plan?
A: Here is former CUAA President and former Trustee Mike Borkowsky’s letter on the subject.
As Mike Borkowsky points out: “Because the Tuition Plan requires up-front investment and takes four years to reach its full impact, the Working Group Plan would have a cumulative advantage of up to $18 million over the Tuition Plan in the next five years. And each year throughout the 25-year projections, the Working Group Plan has either a smaller deficit or a larger surplus than the Tuition Plan.”
Also, the working group plan is available for download.
There’s a graph comparing the cash flows of the Working Group & Tuition plans at the end of the Working Group document.
Q: Why didn’t we use / find a pro-bono attorney?
A: We tried, including outreach to Cooper lawyer alums, but it’s not that easy - we did not find anyone suitable for the task willing to work pro-bono.
Q: What about the Board of Regents, why didn’t you go there?
A: We did strongly consider approaching the Board of Regents but that would take longer and given the timeframes involved that action would not be able to forestall the charging of tuition this fall. The Board of Regents also does not have the ability to require an audit of the Cooper Union or direct the Board to form the Associates, which a judge would have the power to do. We have not ruled out approaching the Board of Regents in the future.
Q: Who are the lawyers Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady?
A: Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady is a law firm with an excellent reputation, highly skilled in litigation and known for their involvement in educational cases as well as important social issues such as voting rights.